Sunday, September 18, 2005

(not) my kind of town, chicago is

I'm on a flight now to Chicago for a conference and I forgot to do something really important before coming here.

I forgot to look up yarn stores in the Chicago area.

I know, I know, it's unforgiveable. I forgot to do the same when I went to Philadelphia a few weeks ago, but I was only there for one and a half days and I was working non-stop during that time except for when the really creepy guy started following me from restaurant to bar to greasy spoon.

Philadelphia, by the way, sucked. I have only been there a few times before, and it just plain sucked. And I could not find a decent restaurant in the Center City area.

Have I mentioned that I also hate Chicago?

So here I am, going to Chicago on a 7 AM flight. I feel asleep soon after takeoff and just woke up and pulled out my computer, and they said we were approaching O'Hare. So, I guess I slept through beverage service and the new and improved Delta snacks (your choice of Sun Chips, peanuts, animal crackers, cheddar cheese on wheat crackers, and a chewy chocolate chip granola bar).

People ask me what I'm up to these days. I tell them I live on an airplane. I'm pretty sure it's true.

In knitting news, I have been working on the second sock of a pair I began last summer for the now-defunct Candy Along. I am pretty far on it. I even have someone to give the socks to! I also, last night, from a bet placed with The Man Who Lives in the House in front of Trixie and Wawa last week, managed to clean my closet yesterday. I have rugburn on my knees and my back is giving out, but I have triumphed. I began by taking everything out of my closet that was on the floor and then slowly putting stuff back in. This made the closet clean, and the bedroom messy. The Man wasn't happy. But in doing so, I found the almost finished second Sex Glove, so I can even finish that! And I have been knitting the rockstar scarf from KNitty, albeit with a few changes.

Work is crazy right now.

Landing now. Gotta end this.


Blogger Micky said...

Hope you will find a great yarn shop to make you forget all about what state you are in.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Trixie said...

I am going to say what we have all been thinking...YOU NEED TO BLOG MORE OFTEN. Screw the job. And the husband... BLOG MORE...

Also about the rug burn are you sure you weren't following my advice above ???

You should tell everyone what Man Who Lives in the House has to do now that you cleaned the closet.

BLOG MORE. Enjoy ARMA. Tell me if you see creepy people there from the client. You KNOW who I mean....

7:36 PM  

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