Wednesday, December 14, 2005

but i'm near the end and i just ain't got the time and i'm wasted and i can't find my way home

I'm giving a public shoutout, yo, to my favorite queen bitch who has been there for me this week (and always) when I was engaged in IWD (IMing While Drunk). I'm highly emotional lately, it seems, and some people I work with seem to be on the wang (not naming any names, but there's only one male at work) and while I was looking for that link I found the link to this post and the fact that a) there's Lego Porn, b) Rabbitch blogged about it before I did, and c) her post is titled "Just for Rebecca" just brings tears to mine eyes anew.

So today I had to go to the National Archives in College Park (aka Archives II) to hear a lecture so I had to hike it in the bitter cold down Pennsylvania and catch the shuttle from the Archives at Pennsylvania and 7th to Archives II and listen to the lecture and then take the shuttle back, taking to Trixie on the phone all the while and annoying everyone around me, and the second I got off the phone I saw this and had to take a picture for Rabbitch.
Recognition or guesses from anyone as to what this is? Hint: I thought of Jodi as well.


Blogger dragon knitter said...

the canadian embassy :P

10:37 PM  
Blogger jodi said...

The world renowned Ugliest Building in Washington!! Love it. We visited there in February, the year it snowed like crazy, and I took about a dozen pictures of the Bill Reid statue out front. Did you know that statue is on the back of our twenty dollar bills now?

4:33 PM  

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